6. Kinetics Review

Topic 6 – Kinetics (Review)

Kinetics Unit Test: *Insert Test Date here*

Use your Kahoot! App or login through kahoot.it for a review game!
This is not graded – only a fun review 🙂

Practice Problems from Kinetics Problem Set.

Extra Resources:

Copyright: Crash Course Chemistry

Centre for Distance Learning & Innovation

  • Contains good explanations, images
  • Mini quiz at the end of the lesson!


Centre for Distance Learning & Innovation. (2007). Factors affecting reaction rates. Retrieved from https://www.cdli.ca/sampleResources/chem3202/unit01_org01_ilo03/b_activity.html

Kinetics: Chemistry’s demolition derby – crash course chemistry #32. Jenkins, N. (Director). (2013).[Video/DVD] YouTube. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/7qOFtL3VEBc

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